Water Treatments



Installing an acid neutralizer is the most effective and economical way to fix a low pH imbalance of your water. Results of low pH are blue or green stains on your tub or sink.  Left untreated, low pH can damage copper pipes and create pin-hole leaks, if not corrected over time. Call River Breeze Services for recommendations and service.

Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems

Technology produced from the space program to provide water for astronauts. These products can be placed in your sink cabinet. Call River Breeze Services today for services or installation.

Ultra Violet Lights

If you are concerned about molds, bacteria and other microscopic organisms the installation of an ultraviolet light in your ductwork has been proven to be effective in eliminating this problem. River Breeze Services has the product that is right for your application.

Water Softeners

Your barber or hair dresser will tell you that they can tell you have hard water. Your laundry is not coming out as bright as you would like. River Breeze Services can install a water softner to improve these concerns

Well Pumps

River Breeze Services installs, repairs and replaces well pumps. Water is essential and you need it back in service asap. Call us today for service or recommendations for improving your pressure.